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德国柏林轨道交通展览会InnoTrans 2022年9月20日-23日 |
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• 超过160000位参观者
• 参展商和专业参观者都表示非常满意
• 在公众参观日有大约12000位私人参观者来访
• 参展商评语
轨道交通行业发展迅猛 – 2018年的柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会大获成功。为期4天的柏林轨道交通展Innotrans在9月21日落下了帷幕。心满意足的参展商和专业参观者都是流连忘返。在彻底占满的柏林展览中心场地上,共有来自61个国家的3062位参展商推出了交通行业的各种产品和服务项目。 其中包括:400多种创新成果,155种全球首发展品以及155部车辆。在城市交通中对内燃机车、电动车辆和燃料电池车辆,以及电动公交车的选择,成为此次展会的热门话题。
今年的柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会再次证明其作为国际商务热点活动和铁路行业的“发动机”拥有的声誉。例如GE运输系统集团的首席执行官Rafael Santana就与哈萨克斯坦国家铁路公司(KTZ)签署了订购合同,该公司将购买300台调车机车。西门子交通集团和德国联邦铁路公司将在火车旅行相关创新领域开展合作。在2018年的InnoTrans展会上,西门子交通集团的首席执行官Sabrina Soussan、德国联邦铁路公司负责数字化与技术工作的董事Sabina Jeschke以及德国DB Regio铁路公司董事长Jörg Sandvoß博士签署了相关协议。
德国与中国的铁路企业也希望在大都市的轨道交通领域进行密切合作。德国铁路工业协会 (VDB)主席Volker Schenk和中国城市轨道交通协会常务副会长周晓勤在展会上签署了一份“中德城市轨道交通合作意向书”。该意向书的内容涵盖了大都市轨道交通领域的所有规划、设计、建设和标准化工作。
有9成的参展商期待在展会之后还有后续业务,并表示希望继续参加下一届InnoTrans展会。参展商中有推荐意愿的比例超过90%。有相当多的参展商在展会上签署了业务合同 – 这与专业参观者的反馈是一致的。
有很多参展商都将柏林轨道交通展Innotrans的轨道展区和露天场地作为其产品全球首发的理想舞台。其中就包括预计2021年投入运营的新型的柏林484系列城市快轨。这种列车的生产商是西门子和Stadler公司的合作机构。这种城市快轨将配有空调系统、现代化的乘客信息系统以及座位更多的儿童车厢和自行车车厢。参观者感兴趣的另一个热点就是德国DB Regio铁路公司的概念列车。这种列车配有健身车厢、日间小睡区域以及可旋转的全景沙发椅,还有1:1比例的儿童游乐场。
在展会开始的第一天,就举行了象征性的钥匙移交仪式 – 第一辆新型的双层乌尼莫克公铁两用车被移交给马格德堡交通有限两合公司(MVB)。福伊特公司和利勃海尔公司推出了用于铁路领域的“Voith Rail Engine”新型发动机。这种性能强大、同时又低排放的轨道车辆发动机是由这两家老牌技术型企业合作研发的。
Bus Display展示明天的公交巴士系统
在Bus Display上,Solaris公司新型的Trollino 12产品首次推向全球,这种发动机以其低噪音和环保型特色著称于世。Bus Display从2016年首次引入展会就备受欢迎。当10辆电动巴士在夏日花园展区巡回行驶时,展会首次举办的国际巴士论坛正在探讨电动公交车应用在短途客运领域的可行性。
InnoTrans会议 – 决策者的高端论坛
今年的展会首次举办了为期4天的HackTrain黑客马拉松,有80位参赛选手展示了铁路行业的智能化IT技术也同样可以与时俱进。第一名的桂冠由名为“Veggie on Rails”的三人团队获得 – 他们完成了英国NetworkRail公司布置的任务,即如何在暴风雨中更好地监控绿化带?陪审团的评语是他们“在充分了解客户需求”。该解决方案成本很低,对现有的监控视频记录进行分析,然后结合GPS数据,对植物生长类型进行分级。获奖团队的每位成员都可获得一张价值600英镑(670欧元)的旅行优惠券。第二名获奖团队是“ELB - Efficiency Less Bureaucracy”,他们的设计方案可以通过声控系统帮助工程师查找信息。“Safety_Eye”团队获得第三名,他们的警报系统通过音频、图像和可传输的信号,对轨道工人起到更好的保护作用。
城市快轨的试乘专座 – 公众参观日的关注热点
周末的公众参观日 - 虽然秋天的天气变化无常,但还是有12000位私人参观者 来到轨道展区和露天场地,参观155辆展出的车辆。其中包括阿尔斯通公司的Avelia HorizonTM 双层高速列车、中国中车股份有限公司的混合型交流电驱动调车机车、福斯罗公司的四轴DE 18型机车。西门子和Stadler公司研发的新型的柏林城市快轨也引起了人们极大兴趣。德国DB Regio铁路公司的概念列车同样备受关注。
参展商对InnoTrans 2018的评价
德国铁路工业协会 (VDB)总经理Ben Möbius博士:
柏林轨道交通展Innotran展会堪称一鸣惊人。其中涉及的话题包括电池动力、氢动力、数字化、虚拟空间安全 – 这些很明显都是交通行业的未来议题。这场非同凡响的全球顶级会展展现了我们这个行业的创新实力,令人印象深刻。我们致力于在全世界降低气候保护和客服质量的实施难度。我相信:InnoTrans 2018正是印证了这一点,铁路工业不但意义非凡,而是乐趣无穷。
欧洲铁路工业联盟(UNIFE) 总干事Philippe Citroën:
每届柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会都证明是全球最具吸引力的铁路工业展会,同时也是 铁路专家的交流平台。UNIFE利用这个机会,展示了第7次“世界铁路市场研究”的成果,以促进欧洲与国际相关组织的合作,同时探讨欧洲铁路供应领域的重要议题,例如实现铁路4.0规划、欧洲铁路运输管理系统(ERTMS) 、竞争力、数字化和科研工作,以及质量问题(IRIS Certification™)。我非常期待2020年的下一届展会,那肯定会打破2018年的纪录。
加州交通运输局(CalSTA)副局长Chad Edison:
InnoTrans展会集中展示了独具创意的轨道车辆、供应系统和管理系统。 由此人们有机会在最短时间内快速集中地浏览大量信息。我们也借此机会认识了世界各地带来新型交通工具和技术成果的人们,并且进行会谈,让他们关注美国的业务前景。
舍夫勒技术股份两合公司的欧洲铁路工业部经理Michael Holzapfel博士:
戴姆勒股份公司-梅赛德斯-奔驰特种卡车公司的轨道车辆部经理Holger Doth:
庞巴迪运输公司总裁Laurent Troger:
在今年的柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会上,我们提出了“Together we move”的口号,展现了全新的企业形象,带来了全新的设计成果。作为全球200多个城市的战略合作伙伴,我们在InnoTrans上拥有独一无二的机会,与客户和决策者探讨交通工具方面的要求和我们公司的先进方案,以便配合城市的发展和经济增长要求。
德国联邦铁路公司董事长Richard Lutz博士:
Stadler铁路集团的市场营销部副执行总监Peter Jenelten:
福斯罗股份公司董事长Andreas Busemann:
西门子交通集团首席执行官Sabrina Soussan和Michael Peter:
InnoTrans 2018对我们来说是非比寻常的成功。我们和很多客户洽谈了合作项目,这启发了我们很多灵感,让我们感受到客户对我公司产品的浓厚兴趣。我们在全球各地推行的数字化仍然是人们关注的焦点,这可以促使列车和基础设施实现智能化,在整个使用寿命实现可持续的创造价值,并且提高乘客的舒适度,确保可用性。
德国隧道和交通运输设施研究会( STUVA )会长Roland Leucker工程师-博士:
克诺尔制动系统股份公司董事长Klaus Deller:
对克诺尔公司来说,InnoTrans 2018象征着我们这个时代的大趋势:城市化、数字化和生态效益。对我们来说,这个展会是与全球客户进行交流的理想平台, 从中可以探讨铁路系统的电气化和联网化具体方案。我们的议事日程集中在可持续发展和新技术方面,由此充分满足参观者的兴趣。其中通过两个示范性项目展示。我们的子公司Kiepe Electric公司在InnoTrans上与德国联邦铁路公司签署了一份检测二氧化碳空调机的合同。除此之外,杜塞尔多夫的莱茵铁路公司参观了克诺尔公司,并且成为全球第一个加入克诺尔制动公司的iCOM数字化平台的交通企业。iCOM作为数据交流中心,可以监控轨道车辆的状态,帮助运营商提前进行车辆维护,节约相关成本 。
德国交通论坛(DVF)总经理Heike van Hoorn:今年我们作为DVF在InnoTrans上成功举办了论坛活动。主题是“公交巴士车与铁路的新型运输服务 – 数字化技术将如何改变公共交通?”吸引了200多位参观者来到广播塔宫殿。其中包括参加论坛的高端嘉宾,也包括专业观众。除了InnoTrans展会,没有任何地方可以对上述议题进行如此精准的定位,吸引如此合适的人群!
德国运输公司协会(VDV)主席Jürgen Fenske:
德国电气和电子制造商总会(ZVEI) 电牵及车辆部门首席执行官Olaf Zinne:
除了新型发动机,InnoTrans 2018还有一个重要议题就是数字化。比方说在无人驾驶领域和前瞻性机车维修,德国交通行业以其创新实力继续保持领先地位,我们在电气行业的技术水平仍然是顶尖的。InnoTrans展会再次有力证明了自己始终是该行业最重要的会展活动。
Solaris Bus & Coach S.A.公司的内部沟通经理Marcin Napierała:
Solaris公司是第6次成功参加柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会了。柏林展会一如既往关注电动车辆的发展,是找到客户和供应商的最佳平台。Solaris公司今年在阳光明媚的夏季花园Bus Display展区推出了两种新车。一种是全球首次展出的Urbino系列电动公交巴士,另一种是Solaris公司的Trollino 12型无轨电车。这两种车辆和我们设置在CityCube的公司展台一样,都引起了参观者的极大兴趣,而这正是一次成功展会的重要标志。
德国大陆集团的气动弹簧与空气缓冲系统部门经理Claus-Peter Spille:
我们凭借独立完成的创新成果,牢牢把握住了流行趋势 – 例如防火性能、低噪音排放或者数字联网的用途。从这一角度看,InnoTrans展会确实为我们提供了一个出色的平台,让我们向国内外的客户展示我们的最新研究成果和项目。
Thales 德国公司总经理Christoph Hoppe博士:
2018年的柏林轨道交通展Innotrans展会再次证明:这确实是全世界交通领域最重要的展会。Thales公司作为该行业的顶尖企业,在这里和国内外的客户重逢, 和政界要人相识,开展了诸多卓有成效的会谈。我们的主题是“Leading the Digital Mobility”。我们向柏林的观众展示我们构想的安全的未来交通工具。同时,我们还展示了我们的技术足以让世界更安全。其中,我们为传统的产品配备了独具创意的新技术,以便让客户实现高标准的需求,其中包括“自动驾驶”、“ IoT和网络化”、“人工智能”、“大数据”或者“Cybersecurity”。每年有80亿人次的火车乘客享受到Thales公司的技术,对此我们倍感自豪!
• Attendance exceeds 160,000
• Exhibitors and trade visitors very satisfied
• Public Days attract some 12,000 visitors
• Exhibitors’ comments
Railways are booming, as shown by a successful balance sheet at the end of InnoTrans 2018. The leading international trade fair for transport technology, a four-day event, closed on 21 September, leaving behind very satisfied exhibitors and trade visitors. All available space was occupied on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, where 3,062 exhibitors from 61 countries presented the entire range of products and services for the mobility sector. These included more than 400 innovations, 155 world premieres and no fewer than 155 vehicles. Alternative propulsion systems, battery and fuel-cell powered trains and electric buses for urban use were among the main themes of this trade fair.
During the trade visitor days 161,157 international guests came to Germany’s capital in search of information about the extensive range being offered by the industry. Of this total 153,421 were trade visitors, from 149 countries. The public were invited to attend on the weekend, when some 12,000 of them were drawn to Outdoor Display at InnoTrans.
As a cross-border event InnoTrans connects markets
Once again this year InnoTrans emphatically confirmed its reputation as an international business hotspot and economic power house for the industry. Rafael Santana, president and CEO of GE Transportation, for example, reported signing a contract with the railway company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) to supply 300 shunting locomotives to that country. Siemens Mobility and Deutsche Bahn are planning to work together in order to implement some new ideas about rail travel. A corresponding agreement was signed during InnoTrans 2018 by Sabrina Soussan, CEO of Siemens Mobility, Sabine Jeschke, DB board member for Digitalisation and Technology, and Jörg Sandvoss, board member of DB Regio AG.
Germany and China’s rail industries are also looking to work together closely in the field of urban trail transport. Volker Schenk, president of the German Railway Industry Association (VDB), and Zhou Xiaoqin, executive vice president of the China Association of Metros, signed a declaration of intent on “Sino-German cooperation in urban rail transport“. It encompasses coordinating the planning, construction and standardisation of rail transport vehicles in metropolitan regions.
Positive results ensure a positive mood among exhibitors
According to a representative survey, exhibitors and trade visitors gave a positive assessment of InnoTrans throughout. Around 90 per cent of trade visitors were highly satisfied with the business results of their visit and would recommend the trade fair to others. One in two trade visitors occupied a senior position in their company. 56.4 per cent of trade visitors came from abroad. The trade fair attracted especially keen interest among trade visitors from Southern, Eastern and Central Asia, which attracted around 20 per cent of visitors.
90 per cent of exhibitors expected follow-up business to be good and said they would be back for the next InnoTrans. Over 80 per cent said they would recommend the trade fair to others. The large volume of business reported by exhibitors corresponded with the information provided by trade visitors.
Improved passenger comfort, more innovations for the industry
Numerous exhibitors made use of the Outdoor display area at InnoTrans as a high profile stage for products making their world debut. There was a lot of interest in the new Series 484 light rail trains for Berlin’s S-Bahn, which are due to commence scheduled services in 2021. The rolling stock is being manufactured by a consortium formed by Siemens and Stadler. Among the main features of these S-Bahn trains are air-conditioning, an up-to-date passenger information system and more space for baby buggies and bicycles. Another exhibit that was very popular with the public was the DB Regio train of ideas. In addition to a keep-fit cabin, a power napping area and swivelling panorama seats, this life size mock-up also included a children’s play corner.
The first day of the trade fair saw the symbolic handover of the key for the first of the new generation of Unimogs with a twin cab and conversion to road-rail operation, ordered by Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH & Co. KG (MVB). The Voith Rail Engine being exhibited by Voith and Liebherr is a new power unit for the rail industry. This high performance, low emissions engine for rail vehicles is the result of a joint venture between these two leading technology companies.
Bus Display features bus transport of the future
The new Trollino 12 from Solaris made its debut at the Bus Display, and its outstanding characteristics include a very quiet, eco-friendly propulsion system. First introduced in 2016, the Bus Display has become a very popular addition to the trade fair. While ten electric buses made their rounds of the Summer Garden, the newly launched International Bus Forum featured lively discussions by the panel about electric buses and their viability for public transport use.
InnoTrans Convention – High quality forum for decision-makers
The InnoTrans Convention, aimed specifically at decision-makers, is becoming an increasingly important part of the leading international trade fair for transport technology. For example, at the Design Forum experts reported on ways of reconciling contemporary design with efforts to improve the working life of vehicles. Deutsche Bahn presented the relaunch of the DB Lounge at the new Onboard Hospitality Forum. Customer satisfaction with this new concept has increased from 69 to 87 per cent. At the Dialogue Forum representatives of science and practice agreed that the current political and economic conditions for the digitalisation of rail services are exceptionally good.
HackTrain Hackathon presents the innovation potential for the industry
At the four-day HackTrain Hackathon, making its debut at the trade fair this year, the 80 or so developers who took part were able to demonstrate how the rail industry could be revolutionised by smart IT solutions. The first prize was awarded to the three-person team “Veggie on Rails” which, according to the judges, “showed an excellent understanding of the client’s needs” in coming up with the best solution to the task presented to them by the UK’s NetworkRail – What is the best way of monitoring trackside vegetation at risk from the weather? In a highly cost-effective way this concept analysed existing video recordings and combined them with GPS data and a way of classifying the growth of particular types of vegetation. The prize for each member of the team was a travel voucher with a value of 600 pounds sterling (670 euros). In second place was the team “ELB - Efficiency Less Bureaucracy”, whose concept used a voice recognition system to assist engineers in their search for information. “Safety_Eye” came third with an alarm system comprising acoustic, visual and wearable signals to provide track workers with better protection.
Trying out the seats in the new S-Bahn – keen interest during the Public Days
Although the weather was changeable, during the weekend when the general public were admitted, some 12,000 of them came to view the 155 vehicles and rolling stock on the Outdoor Display. These included the Coradia Stream low-floor train from Alstom, a shunting locomotive with a hybrid propulsion unit from CRRC Corporation Limited in China, and the four-axle DE 18 locomotive from Vossloh Locomotives. Visitors were particularly interested in the Berlin S-Bahn (light rail) train from Siemens/Stadler. Another very popular exhibit was the DB Regio train of ideas.
Comments by exhibitors on InnoTrans 2018
Dr. Ben Möbius, Chief Executive, German Railway Association (VDB):
Battery and hydrogen-powered drivetrains, digitalisation, cybersecurity – the future of mobility is ready to go now. This leading international trade fair gave a fascinating demonstration of the innovative capabilities of our industry. Around the world we are pushing the limits of what can be achieved in terms of protecting our climate and offering quality to the customer. I believe InnoTrans 2018 showed that the rail industry stands for a high degree of common sense – and increasingly for fun.
Philippe Citroën, Director General, Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE):
With every edition InnoTrans proves itself to be the most attractive exhibition for the rail industry in the world and the place to be for rail professionals. UNIFE took again the opportunity to present the results of the 7th edition of the World Rail Market Study, to reinforce the cooperation with the other European and international stakeholders, as well as to address key issues for the European Rail Supply Industry such as the implementation of the 4th Railway Package, ERTMS, competitiveness, digitalization, research and innovation, and quality (IRIS Certification™). Even though this edition just finished I am already looking forward to the next one in 2020, which will for sure surpass the records established by the 2018 edition.
Chad Edison, Deputy Secretary for Transportation, California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA):
"In California, like in many other countries, we have the vision to achieve a rapid transportation system of high quality and use a renewable energy system that reduces our footprint on the world. Rail is a big opportunity for doing that. Many cutting edge investments in rolling stock and batteries, and in new approaches to managing rail systems, are on display at the InnoTrans fair in a very concentrated form. The fair offers us a broad overview and the opportunity to be informed about many new developments in a short period of time. At InnoTrans we are having a chance to interact with people who are developing stunning technological and transportation solutions all around the world, getting in contact with them and calling attention to the business opportunities in the United States.”
Dr. Michael Holzapfel, Senior Vice President Business Unit Rail - Industrial Europe, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG:
The rail industry is in a state of transition, and Schaeffler is actively involved in shaping the mobility of the future. This was also evident to us this year at InnoTrans from the upsurge in the interest shown by visitors, particularly in our services and servicing concepts. Once again InnoTrans provided an outstanding platform for discussions with customers and business associates, which were a renewed success in 2018. We were able to set the seal on two forward-looking joint ventures in the field of digitalisation.
Holger Doth, Division Manager, Road-Rail Vehicles, Daimler AG Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks:
The international renown of InnoTrans makes it an industry event of superlatives. We were able to establish new contacts and strengthen existing links at home and abroad. We drew very positive conclusions at the end of the fair. Our guests were clearly impressed by the diversity and performance characteristics of the Unimog. In the dual road-rail mode it is steadily gaining importance as a flexible and economical utility vehicle for shunting work or for infrastructural maintenance.
Laurent Troger, President, Bombardier Transportation:
At this year’s InnoTrans, we launched our new corporate positioning and design under the slogan: “Together we move”. As a strategic partner to more than 200 cities across the globe, InnoTrans represents a unique opportunity for us to discuss with customers and decision-makers about the mobility challenges they are facing and to discuss our state-of-the art solutions, which help cities grow and their economies develop.
Dr. Richard Lutz, CEO, Deutsche Bahn AG:
The high level of international interest in InnoTrans clearly showed that rail transport plays a key role in creating sustainable forms of mobility in our society. With our participation in the fair we showed that new technology can take rail transport to a higher level. With our new Digital Rail Germany programme Deutsche Bahn will increase capacity for rail transport and increase reliability.
Peter Jenelten, Executive Vice President, Marketing & Sales, Stadler Rail Group:
When InnoTrans is set as the deadline, with the words ’ This train has to be ready in time for InnoTrans’, then there is no going back. It has to be done.
Andreas Busemann, Chairman of the Board, Vossloh AG:
Once again InnoTrans provided the venue for highly promising, in-depth discussions about innovative technologies that showed the way forward in the railway sector. At Vossloh the possibilities offered by digitalisation are the key to attaining much higher levels in the efficient use and maintenance of high investment railway infrastructure. It seems to me that our customers and trade visitors are keen to discuss these issues with us because they realise that we are well informed about the physical aspects of rail track. In addition to choosing the right topics we have also struck a chord with our customers with our innovative products.
Sabrina Soussan and Michael Peter, CEOs, Siemens Mobility GmbH:
InnoTrans 2018 went extremely well for us. We spoke with many customers about joint projects, which both confirmed our efforts and inspired us, and there was keen interest in our products. The main focus was on the digital transformation, which with our technology enables operators around the world to make trains and infrastructures intelligent, to generate long-term added value over the entire life cycle, improve passenger comfort and guarantee availability.
Dr.-Ing. Roland Leucker, Managing Director, Research Association for Tunnels and Transportation (STUVA):
Once again, this year’s InnoTrans has shown what an important role tunnel construction plays in railway infrastructure. This was well illustrated by the keen response to the STUVA Tunnel Forum.
Klaus Deller, Chairman of the Board, Knorr-Bremse AG:
For Knorr Bremse the InnoTrans 2018 was dominated by the major trends of our time, i.e. urbanisation, digitalisation and eco-efficiency. For us the fair is the ideal platform for meeting with our customers around the world, and for discussing concrete solutions to the electrification and connectivity of systems in the railway industry. Our agenda focussed on sustainability and technology, and in this respect it was very much in line with the interests of visitors. This was demonstrated using two projects as examples: During InnoTrans our subsidiary Kiepe Electric signed a contract with Deutsche Bahn to investigate CO2 –based air conditioning systems. Knorr-Bremse also invited Düsseldorfer Rheinbahn to be our guest and this company is among the first transport companies anywhere in the world to implement the digital platform iCOM from Knorr-Bremse. iCOM is a central data hub that monitors the condition of rail vehicles and helps operators to introduce predictive and more cost-effective maintenance.
Dr. Heike van Hoorn, Managing Director, German Transport Forum (DVF):
This year we at the DVF were again very successfully represented at InnoTrans with our Dialogue Forum. The subject of “New mobility services plus bus and rail – How is digitalisation altering public transport?” attracted more than 200 people to the Palais am Funkturm. This success was due to some extent to the high quality of our panel, but of course also to the experts who attended. There is no better opportunity that that presented by InnoTrans for focusing on such topics and for meeting the right audiences.
Jürgen Fenske, President, Association of German Transport Companies (VDV):
This year, with more than 3,000 exhibitors and a wealth of rail technology innovations, InnoTrans, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Transport Technology, showed that public bus and train services are becoming more and more important. In Germany more than ten billion customers make use of local public transport every year. Political decision-makers, who also attended InnoTrans in large numbers, have generally accepted the pivotal role of public transport in protecting our climate and maintaining clean air. The fair showed us once again that passenger and rail freight services stand for modern and sustainable forms of transport that can continue to grow providing political decision-makers target innovative and environmentally friendly transport throughout.
Olaf Zinne, Managing Director Electric Traction Systems and Vehicles Division, Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie (ZVEI):
Besides alternative powertrains the main topic at InnoTrans 2018 was the digital transformation. Where driverless vehicles and pre-emptive maintenance were concerned, German companies were able to demonstrate their innovative capabilities, with technology spearheaded by the electrical engineering industry. InnoTrans impressively confirmed its role as the leading trade fair for this sector.
Marcin Napierała, Internal Communications Manager, Solaris Bus & Coach S.A.:
Solaris has now successfully completed its sixth InnoTrans. With an ever-increasing focus on all aspects of electro-mobility, this Berlin trade fair is the perfect meeting place for customers and suppliers. This year Solaris presented two vehicles at the Bus Display in the sunny Summer Garden. An electric bus from the Urbino range and, making its world debut, a Solaris Trollino 12 trolleybus. Both of these vehicles and the company stand at the CityCube attracted enormous interest, which is a good yardstick for a successful trade fair.
Claus-Peter Spille, Divisional Director for Air Suspension and Air Damping Systems, Continental:
As a one stop shop for innovative solutions we meet the trends and the main contributory factors such as fire protection, reduced noise emissions and applications for digital interconnectedness. In this respect InnoTrans provided us with an outstanding platform for presenting our latest developments and projects to our customers at home and abroad.
Dr. Christoph Hoppe, CEO, Thales Deutschland:
InnoTrans 2018 proved once again that it is the leading trade fair for transport technology. As a key player, Thales was able to meet its customers from Germany and abroad, welcome political stakeholders and hold a lot of good talks. Our topic was ”Leading Digital Mobility". We were able to show Berlin audiences what we have in mind for the future of safe transport. We were able to demonstrate how our technology helps to make the world that little bit safer. We combine traditional products with innovative new technology to support our customers’ bold ambitions, be it in the field of driverless operations, IoT and connectivity, artificial intelligence, big data or cybersecurity. Every year, eight billion train passengers benefit from technology by Thales, of which we are very proud.
柏林轨道交通展InnoTrans是全球领先的交通技术展览会。柏林轨道交通展InnoTrans的5大细分市场展区分别为铁路技术、轨道基础设施(Railway Infrastructure)、公共交通(Public Transport)、车辆内饰(Interiors)和隧道施工(Tunnel Construction)。
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